Two thoughts occurred to me as I read this (Three, if you count "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!" as one!)

First: If there's a piece of advice I have given most often, it is to rest. I don't have any responsibility, not a doctor, etc, so no one has to listen to me but more than a few folks in my life have had some version of the joke conversation with me: "Doctor, doctor, when I do a million things all the time constantly, I feel grumpy and achey and I can't recover!" "Well, don't do that!"

Here's an anecdote from history I like to share. Stonewall Jackson's command in the Civil War came to be known as the Foot Cavalry, for how far and how fast they covered ground on foot. He made more than one famous march to save the day (or save his own skin!). His philosophy was to march his soldiers 50 minutes out of every hour, and give them rest for 10. He claimed that he got more out of those 50 minutes than other generals did in a straight 60 minute march. Rest is equally important to the work. Take it seriously!

Second: I've been working on diet as well, and starting just before lent I started doing Keto. You hit the nail on the head with this line: "the best mental clarity and energy I’ve had in years is enough to convince me." I am a different person today than I was even in JANUARY. It's insane. The right diet, the right fuel, clears the mind. My good friend, Hambone, has been doing a lot of research into this, and so many issues are metabolic in nature. All that to say--I hear you on the joys of finding the right diet. That's a huge win!

Another great post, thanks Mandy!

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Thank you! And yes!! Rest is crucial. I've written about it in the past actually, that rest can be holy too. It is essential not only for our physical and mental well-being but spiritual too.

Such an interesting fact about Stonewall Jackson! I grew up learning a lot about history, and the Civil War was one period my dad really enjoyed reading about. I'll be sharing this fact with him!

We'll have to compare notes about your diet at some point, I'd love to learn more. I think any diet that removes overly processed foods is probably a winner. Glad you're seeing the fruits from switching your diet!

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