I adore the Litany of Trust. It hits right at the heart of so many of my struggles/tendencies. One of the pains/blessings of being a parent is that it has forced me to radically rethink what it means to truly trust God, particularly in relation to good out of suffering and trusting that my children/family will be ok even if bad things happen to them. Like it’s one thing to intellectually believe/say those truths, but man of man when you’re considering it in the concrete lives of the little humans you love so much-and thinking about the other little humans like them-dang does it become a lot harder to believe in your heart. And you realize how little trust you have with just yourself vis a vis God. So thank you for writing about the process, and the reminder that it does indeed take time. I needed that!

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You are very welcome! And I agree, being a parent has radically shifted what it means, for me at least, to trust God in big and little things. It can be so hard some days to trust Him. Not only in my parenting decisions (that I won't irreparably mess up my kids), but also what my children's lives will look like as adults. So glad this spoke to you!

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That’s so very true!

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Jun 17Liked by Mandy Mazzawi

Literally just finished praying the Litany of Trust as a Novena at the recommendation of Sara Dietz. This is timely, timely, timely. Providentially so. Going to be chewing on this article for a while. Enjoying these weekly reflections, thank you!

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Thanks Scoot! I'm so thrilled you're enjoying these posts! That Litany of Trust should come with a warning label as Annelise Roberts recently wrote about!

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